Kiambu County Records 7 Million New Trees

Kiambu County has managed to plant at least seven million trees since President Dr. William Ruto last December commissioned the Programme dubbed ‘jaza miti,’ to increase the country’s forest cover in the country by another 15 billion trees by 2032. The initiative which seeks to combat the devastating effects of climate change and the looming biodiversity crisis was part of the government’s agenda to mitigate against challenges of the wider global warming attributed to adverse weather patterns experienced in recent times. Water, Sanitation and Irrigation Cabinet Secretary (CS) Zachariah Njeru who led the County in a tree planting drive at Nyamweru forest in Lari, Limuru said it was critical that all Kenyans collectively engaged in the initiative for posterity. He emphasized on the need to nurture the trees to grow to their maturity adding that it would an effort in futility if the seedlings were abandoned without the care required to see them through all seasons to ensure that their impact on the ecosystem
were felt.

Source: Kenya News Agency