Private Entities To Sponsor Visually Challenged Students

Jambojet, in collaboration with Crown paints limited, have partnered with Kibos school for the blind to offer scholarships to financially challenged students.

Jambojet has been a sponsor of the school for the last three years where they bought braille papers, three braille machines and offered food support.

Speaking during an event held at Crown Paints headquarters, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Managing Director (MD) of Jambojet Karanja Ndegwa noted that for each of the stations they go to, they identify an institution based on environment and education.

“For Kisumu, the school we were able to identify was Kibos where we found they needed food assistance among other requirements,” said Ndegwa.

He said the institution needed a face a face-lift hence they partnered with Crown paints to undertake the task.

Crown Paints CEO Dr Rakesh Rao said it was the Corporate Social Responsibility of the company to promote the education of the children and focus on the youth empowerment who are the future of Kenya.

“We believe to make Kenya stronger as we focus on children and the youth and we intend to create a platform through which students seeking sponsorship can apply,” he said.

He added that Crown Paints is set to take charge of the architectural face-lift of the school as well as offer fee sponsorship.

Source: Kenya News Agency