All is set to hand over power to the incoming Laikipia governor elect Joshua Irungu on August 25, 2022, county secretary Karanja Njora has said.
Speaking to the press at county offices in Nanyuki town on Friday, Njora said the swearing ceremony will be held at Nanyuki stadium.
“We have put everything into place and the swearing will take place as scheduled. We have already gazetted the day as per the law on how transition is supposed to be carried out,” said the county secretary.
He added that transition is supposed to be held after the expiry of ten days when the governor elect has been declared of which in this case will be next week Thursday.
Njora who chairs the assumption of governor’s committee said the committee is composed of the county commissioner, National Police Service (NPS), chief officers in charge of various county departments, county attorney, judiciary and county assembly clerk officer, all aimed at ensuring smooth transition of powers to governor elect.
“We started work two months ago as instructed and since we were to prepare early to ensure there is no obstacle in the transition process,” revealed Njora.
Irungu who was the former Laikipia county boss bounced back after defeating the incumbent Ndiritu Muriithi on August 9, general elections. Irungu will be deputised by Reuben Kamuri.
Irungu who had contested under the United Democratic Alliance Party (UDA) ticket won with 113,783 votes while Muriithi vied with Jubilee ticket and got 48,563 votes. John Wakaba, an independent candidate, came in third person with 2,657 votes.
Others who were in the race are Gitonga Kabugi of National Rainbow Coalition (NARC-Kenya), who had 1,713 votes and Kamau Mburu, an independent candidate scored 946 votes.
Source: Kenya News Agency