As Cidades mais Ricas do Mundo em 2024

LONDRES, May 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Em termos de quantidade de milionários residentes com patrimônio líquido investível de US$ 1 milhão ou mais, os EUA lideram o grupo, com 11 cidades no Top 50, incluindo Nova York, que se mantém firmemente em 1º lugar no Relatório das Cidades Mais Ricas do Mundo de 2024, publicado anualmente pelos especialistas em migração de riqueza internacional Henley & Partners. A riqueza total acumulada pelos residentes da Big Apple agora ultrapassa US$ 3 trilhões — maior do que a riqueza total acumulada na maioria dos principais países do G20 — e 349.500 milionários, 744 centimilionários e 60 bilionários vivem na cidade.

Em 2º lugar está a Bay Area, no norte da Califórnia (que engloba a cidade de São Francisco e o Vale do Silício), que aumentou sua população milionária em 82% na última década e agora abriga 305.700 mil milionários, 675 centimilionários e 68 bilionários.

Tóquio, que liderava o grupo há uma década, sofreu um declínio de 5% em sua população residente HNWI, e agora está em 3º lugar, com apenas 298.300 milionários. Cingapura sobe duas posições para o 4º lugar no ranking global após um impressionante aumento de 64% de milionários nos últimos dez anos — aproximadamente 3.400 HNWIs se mudaram para lá apenas em 2023 e a cidade-estado agora possui 244.800 milionários residentes, 336 centimilionários e 30 bilionários.

O declínio de Londres

Londres, a cidade mais rica do mundo há muitos anos, continua a cair no ranking, e agora está em 5º lugar, com apenas 227.000 milionários, 370 centimilionários e 35 bilionários — uma queda de 10% na última década. Por outro lado, Los Angeles, lar de 212.100 milionários, 496 centimilionários e 43 bilionários, saltou duas posições no período de 10 anos para o 6º lugar, desfrutando de um notável crescimento de 45% em sua população rica. Paris, a cidade mais rica da Europa continental, mantém seu 7º lugar com 165.000 milionários residentes, enquanto Sydney sobe para a 8ª posição com 147.000 HNWIs após um crescimento excepcionalmente forte da riqueza nos últimos 20 anos.

Dr. Juerg Steffen, CEO da Henley & Partners, diz que um fator fundamental que impulsionou o crescimento nas cidades mais ricas do mundo foi o forte desempenho dos mercados financeiros. “O ganho de 24% da S&P 500 no ano passado, juntamente com a alta de 43% da Nasdaq e o impressionante rali de 155% do Bitcoin, impulsionou a fortuna de investidores ricos. Além disso, os rápidos avanços em inteligência artificial, robótica e tecnologia blockchain proporcionaram novas oportunidades para criação e acumulação de riqueza. No entanto, mesmo que surjam novas oportunidades, velhos riscos persistem. A guerra na Ucrânia, que fez a população milionária de Moscou despencar 24%, para 30.300, é um lembrete gritante da fragilidade da riqueza em um mundo incerto e instável.”

O boom milionário da China

A China estabeleceu uma presença notável no último ranking das 50 Cidades Mais Ricas com 5 cidades da China continental fazendo parte da lista, e 7 cidades ao contar Hong Kong (com 143.400 milionários) e Taipei (30.200). Pequim (125.600 milionários) entra no Top 10 pela primeira vez após um crescimento de 90% em sua população milionária na última década e, embora Hong Kong tenha caído quatro posições, para o 9º lugar, Xangai (123.400), Shenzhen (50.300), Guangzhou (24.500) e Hangzhou (31.600) registraram aumentos significativos em suas populações milionárias.

Andrew Amoils, Chefe de pesquisa da New World Wealth, diz que Shenzhen é a cidade que mais cresce no mundo para os ricos, com sua população milionária explodindo 140% nos últimos dez anos. “Hangzhou também experimentou um enorme aumento de 125% e os milionários de Guangzhou cresceram 110% na última década. No que diz respeito ao potencial de crescimento da riqueza na próxima década, as cidades a observar incluem Bengaluru (Índia), Scottsdale (EUA) e Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnã). Todas as três desfrutaram de taxas de crescimento excepcionais de mais de 100% em suas populações milionárias residentes nos últimos dez anos.”

Voltando ao Oriente Médio, Dubai facilmente assume a coroa como a cidade mais rica da região, com um crescimento impressionante de 78% em sua população milionária nos últimos 10 anos. Atualmente classificada como a 21ª-cidade mais rica do mundo, a magnata milionária tem grandes chances de entrar no Top 20 em breve e, embora a capital dos Emirados Árabes Unidos, Abu Dhabi, rica em petróleo, ainda não tenha conquistado um lugar no Top 50, taxas de crescimento de mais de 75% a tornam uma provável candidata no futuro.

Embora nenhuma cidade africana ou sul-americana entre no Top 50, o relatório identifica várias estrelas em ascensão, incluindo Nairóbi (4.400 milionários) e Cidade do Cabo (7.400), que tiveram um aumento de HNWIs residentes de 25% e 20%, respectivamente, na última década.

Cidades mais caras do mundo

Mônaco, indiscutivelmente o principal porto seguro do mundo para os super-ricos, onde a riqueza média ultrapassa US$ 20 milhões, também é a cidade mais bem classificada em uma base de riqueza per capita. Mais de 40% de seus moradores são milionários – a maior proporção de qualquer cidade do mundo. Também está no topo da lista das Cidades mais Caras do Mundo, com preços de apartamentos regularmente superiores a USD 35.000 por m2.

A cidade de Nova Iorque ocupa o 2º lugar, com o preço médio de imóveis de primeira linha sendo US$ 28.400 por m2 seguida por Londres (US$ 26.500 por m2, Hong Kong (US$ 25.800 por m2), Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat na França (US$ 25.000 por m2) e Sydney (US$ 22.700 por m2).

Leia o comunicado na íntegra

Sarah Nicklin

Chefe de Relações Públicas

Celular: +27 72 464 8965

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000948899

Le KFSH&RC se classe comme marque de soins de santé la plus valorisée en Arabie Saoudite et au Moyen-Orient

RIYAD, Arabie Saoudite, 03 mai 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Le KFSH&RC (King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre) se classe en tête du secteur de la santé en Arabie Saoudite et au Moyen-Orient, et se distingue pour la deuxième année comme la marque de soins de santé la plus valorisée dans ces régions. Selon les rapports de Brand Finance pour 2024, la marque s’est classée 9e en Arabie Saoudite et 28e au Moyen-Orient. De plus, le KFSH&RC se distingue comme unique hôpital au monde à figurer parmi les dix marques les plus valorisées dans le pays.

Le rapport de Brand Finance révèle que la valeur de marque du KFSH&RC a augmenté de 31 %, dépassant 5,6 milliards de riyals saoudiens, soit l’équivalent de 1,5 milliard de dollars. Cette augmentation est le résultat de l’engagement inébranlable de l’hôpital qui cherche à intégrer les derniers traitements médicaux et technologies, et à fournir des soins médicaux spécialisés conformes aux normes internationales les plus récentes.

M. Muhannad Kadi, directeur des communications et du marketing d’entreprise, revient pour nous sur cette reconnaissance mondiale dont bénéficie le KFSH&RC : « Ce succès illustre parfaitement l’engagement de l’hôpital pour atteindre les normes de qualité les plus élevées et offrir des soins d’exception, et reflète également la valeur importante qu’il offre à ses bénéficiaires. » Il souligne que la position de l’hôpital parmi les dix marques les plus valorisées d’Arabie Saoudite met en évidence non seulement sa rentabilité, mais également l’impact positif des changements en cours dans le secteur de la santé du pays.

Au cours de l’année écoulée, le KFSH&RC a franchi plusieurs étapes importantes qui ont contribué de manière significative à améliorer la solidité et la réputation de son image de marque. Cela inclut notamment la réalisation de quatre expériences révolutionnaires dans le domaine de la médecine spatiale, la réalisation de la première transplantation hépatique entièrement robotisée au monde et le lancement d’un service d’analyse rapide des données de séquençage du génome complet, accessible à tous les bénéficiaires. En outre, le KFSH&RC a célébré le traitement réussi de 100 patients atteints de leucémie lymphoblastique aiguë, preuve de nos capacités médicales avancées et de notre engagement dans les soins aux patients.

Dans la lignée du plan Saudi Vision 2030 et de ses programmes de transformation initiés par Son Altesse Royale, le Prince héritier et le Premier ministre, qui visent à renforcer la position du Royaume sur le plan international et à en faire un centre en matière de soins de santé, le KFSH&RC a été classé comme le meilleur centre médical universitaire au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique. Il s’est également hissé à la 20e place du classement des 250 meilleurs hôpitaux au monde par Brand Finance pendant deux années consécutives, en 2023 puis en 2024. Il figure également dans le classement des 250 meilleurs hôpitaux au monde publié par le magazine Newsweek.

Pour plus d’informations, veuillez contacter :

M. Essam Al-Zahrani, responsable par intérim des affaires médiatiques, 0555254429

M. Abdullah Alown, rédacteur en chef des affaires médiatiques, 0556294232

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9110946

KFSH&RC Classificado como a Melhor Marca de Cuidados de Saúde da Arábia Saudita e Oriente Médio

RIADE, Arábia Saudita, May 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — O KFSH&RC lidera o setor de saúde do Reino da Arábia Saudita e do Oriente Médio, reconhecido como a marca de saúde mais valiosa nessas regiões pelo segundo ano. De acordo com os relatórios do Brand Finance de 2024, ficou em 9o lugar na Arábia Saudita e em 28o no Oriente Médio. Além disso, o KFSH&RC se destaca como o único hospital do mundo a ser classificado entre as dez marcas mais valiosas do país.

O Brand Finance Report mostra que o valor da marca KFSH&RC aumentou 31%, excedendo 5,6 bilhões de riais sauditas, o equivalente a US$ 1,5 bilhão. Esse aumento é o resultado do compromisso inabalável do hospital em incorporar as mais recentes tecnologias e tratamentos médicos e fornecer atendimento médico especializado que atenda aos mais recentes padrões internacionais.

Refletindo sobre o reconhecimento global do KFSH&RC, o Sr. Muhannad Kadi, Diretor de Comunicações Corporativas e Marketing, comentou: “Esta conquista ressalta a dedicação do hospital em alcançar os mais altos padrões de qualidade e fornecer cuidados de saúde excelentes, bem como o valor significativo que oferece aos seus beneficiários.” Ele enfatizou que a posição do hospital entre as dez marcas mais valiosas da Arábia Saudita não apenas ressalta sua eficácia, mas também o impacto positivo das transformações em andamento do setor de saúde do Reino.

No ano passado, o KFSH&RC alcançou vários marcos notáveis que contribuíram significativamente para a força e reputação da sua marca. Isso inclui a realização de quatro experimentos inovadores em medicina espacial, a realização do primeiro transplante de fígado totalmente robótico do mundo e o lançamento de um serviço rápido de análise de sequenciamento de genoma completo disponível para todos os beneficiários. Além disso, o KFSH&RC celebrou o tratamento bem-sucedido de 100 pacientes com leucemia linfoblástica de células T, um testemunho da nossa capacidade médica avançada e dedicação ao atendimento do paciente.

De acordo com a Saudi Vision 2030 e seus programas de transformação, iniciados por Sua Alteza Real, o Príncipe Herdeiro e o Primeiro-Ministro – que visam melhorar a posição global do Reino e estabelecê-lo como um centro de saúde – o KFSH&RC foi classificado como o melhor Centro Médico Acadêmico do Oriente Médio e da África. Também garantiu o 20º lugar globalmente por dois anos consecutivos, 2023 e 2024, de acordo com o relatório Global Top 250 Hospitals da Brand Finance. Além disso, ele foi classificado entre os melhores hospitais do mundo do 250 Best Hospitals in the World da revista Newsweek.

Para mais informações contate:

Sr. Essam Al-Zahrani, Dirigente Interino de Assuntos de Mídia, 0555254429

Sr. Abdullah Al-Awn, Editor Sênior de Assuntos de Mídia, 0556294232

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9110946

KFSH&RC Ranked Top Valuable Healthcare Brand in Saudi Arabia and Middle East

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, May 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — KFSH&RC tops the healthcare sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Middle East, recognizing it as the most valuable healthcare brand in these regions for the second year. According to the 2024 Brand Finance reports, it placed 9th in Saudi Arabia and 28th in the Middle East. Additionally, KFSH&RC stands out as the only hospital worldwide to be ranked among its country’s top ten most valuable brands.

The Brand Finance Report shows that KFSH&RC brand value increased by 31%, exceeding 5.6 billion Saudi Riyals, equivalent to USD 1.5 billion. This increase is the result of the hospital’s unwavering commitment to incorporating the latest medical technologies and treatments and providing specialized medical care that adheres to the latest international standards.

Reflecting on KFSH&RC’s global recognition, Mr. Muhannad Kadi, the Chief Corporate Communications & Marketing Officer, commented, “This accomplishment underscores the hospital’s dedication to achieving the highest quality standards and providing outstanding healthcare, as well as the significant value it delivers to its beneficiaries.” He emphasized that the hospital’s position among the top ten most valuable brands in Saudi Arabia not only highlights its effectiveness but also the positive impact of the ongoing transformations within the Kingdom’s healthcare sector.

Over the past year, KFSH&RC has achieved several notable milestones that have significantly contributed to its brand strength and reputation. These include conducting four ground-breaking experiments in space medicine, performing the World’s first fully robotic liver transplant, and launching a rapid whole genome sequencing analysis service available to all beneficiaries. Furthermore, KFSH&RC celebrated the successful treatment of 100 T-cell lymphoblastic leukemia patients, a testament to our advanced medical capabilities and dedication to patient care.

In line with Saudi Vision 2030 and its transformation programs, initiated by His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister—which aim to enhance the Kingdom’s global position and establish it as a healthcare hub—KFSH&RC has been ranked as the top Academic Medical Centre in the Middle East and Africa. It also secured the 20th spot globally for two consecutive years, 2023 and 2024, according to Brand Finance’s Global Top 250 Hospitals report. Additionally, it has been ranked among the top 250 Best Hospitals in the World by Newsweek Magazine.

For more information please contact:

Mr. Essam Al-Zahrani, Acting Media Affairs Head, 0555254429

Mr. Abdullah Alown, Senior Media Affairs Editor, 0556294232

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9110177

INVNT GROUP and MSM Boost Partnership and Marketing Service Offerings in Motorsports Industry with Strategic Leadership Appointment

INVNT GROUP welcomes Roc Nation veteran, Luca Zanello, as SVP of Content Strategy

New York, NY, May 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Building on their successful partnership, INVNT GROUP and MSM (Media & Sport Management) enhance service offerings and commercial solutions tailored for talent and brands within the booming motorsports industry.

INVNT GROUP, the global brand storytelling agency portfolio, was named Best Global Media Agency at the 2023 Automotive Marcomm Awards by Autocar, for groundbreaking campaigns with Lamborghini, Formula E, General Motors, Lotus, Rolls Royce and more. Over four decades, MSM has built standout relationships between brands, drivers, teams, and championships at the pinnacle of motorsport, including sponsorships, hospitality, and events.

The partnership brings the appointment of Roc Nation music and entertainment veteran, Luca Zanello, as SVP of Content Strategy at INVNT GROUP, fortifying the global suite of award-winning capabilities and integrated services within the motorsports including strategy, partnerships, experiential, digital, Web3, content, and culture. Zanello reports into Scott Cullather, President and CEO of INVNT GROUP, and CEO of INVNT.ATOM.

“Motorsports have not only captured the global imagination but have accelerated the expansion of its cultural influence at unprecedented speed. Our evolving collaboration with MSM, and appointment of Luca, places us at the forefront, allowing us to deliver pioneering, bespoke solutions to the motorsports industry. We are committed to enhancing the connection between brands, talent, and partners with audiences worldwide through dynamic storytelling and groundbreaking experiences. Together, we are charging the future of motorsports, transcending the boundaries of the racetrack,” said Scott Cullather.

The partnership aims to deliver strategies within the motorsport domain, leveraging both INVNT GROUP and MSM’s deep rooted motorsports network and industry expertise.

Enrico Zanarini, Founder and CEO of MSM, expressed: “This is more than a partnership expansion; it’s how we redefine motorsport marketing. With MSM’s deep history in the motorsports industry, and INVNT GROUP’s storytelling expertise, we are poised to deliver exciting and unexpected engagement programs that resonate deeply with fans and stakeholders alike.”

Luca Zanello, commenting on his new role, added, Joining this dynamic team during a transformative era in motorsports is truly exhilarating. We are redefining the limits of motorsports engagement by introducing comprehensive programs that blend traditional approaches with cutting-edge digital and experiential strategies. Our goal is to unite and excite fans globally, offering them novel and captivating experiences that not only entertain but also deepen their connection to the sport.”

This strategic allegiance is a significant milestone in the evolution of motorsport marketing and the overall industry, promising next-generation strategies and enhanced engagement for clients, brands, partners, and audiences across the globe.


INVNT GROUP™ represents a growing portfolio of complementary disciplines designed to help forward-thinking brands and organizations everywhere, impact the audiences that matter, anywhere.

Headed by President and CEO, Scott Cullather, INVNT GROUP amplifies globally with offices in New York (HQ), Sydney, London, Singapore, Dubai, San Francisco, Stockholm, Mumbai, Detroit, and Washington D.C.

The GROUP consists of the founding, live brand storytelling agency, INVNT; brand strategy & creative-led culture consultancy, Meaning; production studio & creative agency, HEVĒ; live events for colleges and universities, INVNT Higher Ed; digital innovation agency, INVNT.ATOM; creative multimedia experience studio, Hypnogram, and live entertainment production company, ITP Live. For more information visit:


MSM is a leader in the world of motorsport and has been fostering standout relationships between brands, drivers, teams and championships for over 40 years.

The team specializes in individual and corporate management, offering clients their expertise across the marketing mix. MSM is active in sponsorship facilitation, commercial opportunity development and execution, client representation, tailored hospitality offerings, and managing bespoke events on and off track. Having spent four decades in the most innovative sporting environment, MSM has developed an approach that is tailor-made for partners to unlock their full potential.

MSM’s deep insight and unparalleled know-how enable their partners to connect with both new and existing audiences in an authentic way, while also delivering measurable commercial impact. For more information,


Jhonathan Mendez de Leon

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9110107

Syrians Seek UN Rights Ruling Against Russia for 2019 Hospital Attacks

Open Society Justice Initiative Files Complaint to the UN Human Rights Committee

New York, May 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Russian Federation has been accused before the UN Human Rights Committee in Geneva of carrying out a deliberate attack on a hospital in Syria—in a legal action that highlights Moscow’s repeated use of military force against health care facilities in Syria, where its forces have been supporting the regime of President Bashar al-Assad.

A complaint before the Committee, filed on May 1, focuses on a series of air strikes on Kafr Nabl Surgical Hospital in Idlib province on May 5, 2019.

It accuses the Russian Air Force of killing two civilians and endangering the lives of all those working in and using the hospital at the time—medical practitioners, patients, support staff, and visitors.

The complaint has been brought before the Committee by a Syrian man whose two cousins were killed by the attack, and by Hand in Hand for Aid and Development, the humanitarian NGO that was supporting the hospital at the time. Hand in Hand is representing the interests of the patients of the hospital.

The applicants are represented by lawyers of the Open Society Justice Initiative, with Professor Philip Leach, professor of human rights law at the UK’s Middlesex University as co-counsel.

The evidence being presented to the Committee includes a detailed account of the Russian Air Force attack on the hospital at Kafr Nabl, and on three other hospitals near Kafr Nabl in just 12 hours on May 5-6, 2019. There was no fighting near the hospital at the time of the attack, which lay in opposition-controlled territory some 20km away from the front line.

The complaint draws on a wealth of video and audio recordings made at the time, as well as eyewitness accounts that point to direct Russian Air Force involvement in coordinating and executing the attacks. The material includes observations of Russian aircraft in the area at the relevant time, and audio recordings of communications between a Russian pilot and Russian ground control, authorizing the release of aerial munitions and confirming that the aerial munitions had been dropped, at the precise times that strikes were captured on video. Some of the material included as evidence in the complaint was used by the New York Times in a special report published on October 13, 2019.

Fadi al-Dairi, the director of Hand in Hand, said: “The Russian air force attack on Kafr Nabl hospital was a well-documented atrocity that was part of a systematic assault on hospitals and healthcare facilities in opposition-held territory in Syria in 2019. The coordinates of the hospital had been shared with Russia by the UN under the UN Deconfliction Mechanism. Syrians are looking to the Human Rights Committee to show us some measure of redress by acknowledging the truth of this brutal attack, and the suffering caused.”

James A. Goldston, executive director of the Justice Initiative, said: “This complaint before a preeminent international human rights tribunal exposes the Russian government and armed forces’ deliberate strategy of targeting healthcare in clear violation of the laws of war. It must remind us all that attacks on protected healthcare facilities—whether in Syria, Sudan, Ukraine, or the Gaza Strip—are an abomination that must never be normalized.”

The complaint is being supported by expert analyses prepared by Syrian Archive and Physicians for Human Rights. Physicians for Human Rights has documented 604 attacks against medical facilities in Syria since 2011, the overwhelming majority conducted by Syrian and Russian forces.

Houssam al-Nahhas, MD, Middle East and North Africa Researcher for Physicians for Human Rights, said: “Widespread and systematic attacks on health care in Syria are part of a strategy implemented by the Syrian and Russian governments, devastating the country’s health care system. Despite the seriousness of these crimes, no perpetrators have ever faced accountability. We hope this landmark case helps to end the impunity for attacks on health care in Syria and serve as a warning to perpetrators in other conflicts around the world.”

The Geneva-based Human Rights Committee is a body of 18 independent experts that monitors implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), which has been signed by 173 countries. Under the ICCPR’s Optional Protocol, which the Russian Federation signed in 1990, individuals can bring complaints against signatory states before the Committee over rights violations.

The complaint accuses the Russian Federation of perpetrating a clear and serious violation of International Humanitarian Law by deliberately attacking a protected medical facility, in breach of the Right to Life under the ICCPR. The attack killed two brothers and endangered the lives of everyone working in and using the busy hospital. The hospital was operating normally at the time of the attack and neither Russia nor Syria provided any warning before the attack. This is not the only time the facility was targeted: Kafr Nabl Hospital was attacked 13 times between 2014 and 2019.

From a legal perspective, a decision against Russia would provide significant new jurisprudence on the extraterritorial obligations of States in armed conflict, and would pave the way for progressive decisions from other human rights bodies and courts.

The Open Society Justice Initiative is part of the Open Society Foundations, and pursues strategic litigation on a range of issues including advancing human rights and advancing the rule of law. Its work on Syria has included supporting efforts to bring top Syrian officials and leaders to trial before national courts in Europe for crimes against humanity committed in Syria.

Open Society Foundations
(212) 548-0378

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9109977

Park Place Technologies Acquires Unitech’s Third Party Maintenance Services

Deal forms one of Brazil’s largest TPM providers.

CLEVELAND, OH, April 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Park Place Technologies, a leading global provider of data center and networking optimization solutions, has acquired Unitech’s third-party maintenance (TPM) business. The acquisition strengthens Park Place’s position as one of Brazil’s largest TPM providers, expanding its reach in the world’s fifth-largest country.

Combined Expertise for Enhanced Customer Service

Unitech, founded in 1989, has a long-standing reputation for serving a diverse client base, including major financial institutions, telecommunication and utility companies. Park Place’s global expertise will greatly amplify Unitech’s established presence in the Brazil market.

“Unitech and Park Place serve clients with the same core values. We both operate with a responsive, client-first approach, and communicate with clarity and transparency. We share customer service strategies, and have a native understanding of the Brazil TPM market,” said Unitech owner Ramon Hasky.

Hasky said Unitech’s long-term partnership with Park Place, “gives us confidence in how our clients will now be served. Park Place is a global company with a strong Latin American presence that offers more scale and an innovative IT lifecycle portfolio. Our customers will benefit from these added Managed Services and Professional Services offerings.”

Park Place, now one of Brazil’s furthest-reaching TPMs, will add nearly 20,000 Unitech assets to its already robust service legacy in Brazil.

“We are taking the hard-earned credibility of Unitech’s 30-plus years and leveraging our passion for client services with Park Place’s global resources,” said Unitech’s CEO, Claudio Miranda. “Unitech’s legacy now has an exciting new chapter; our people and our clients are in good hands with Park Place.”

Unitech will continue to independently operate its Hardware, Software and related Professional Services sales.

“Park Place operates in Brazil primarily in markets with a history of great relevance and positive expectations, particularly in the management, maintenance, and support of mission-critical hardware,” Luiz Fernando Monteiro, IDC Senior Market Analyst, IT Services, Brazil, said. “It is an operation focused on service lines that account for about 19% of the total service market in the country. These are essential services, especially in a world of IT distributed across internal infrastructures, own and third-party Data Centers, public and private clouds, with a demand for very high availability and resilience for the continuity of operations of companies across the entire Brazilian market.”

Roy Illsley, Chief Analyst for Omdia, said Omdia’s research shows that Brazil is a rapidly growing market for the data center business. “In fact, São Paulo accounts for 85% of new Data Center building in the country,” he said. “However, the current Data Center market in Brazil is mostly small sized Data Centers that are distributed between the major cities. Brazil, represents an ideal market for a vendor like Park Place as the growth in data centers will need skills to ensure they can operate efficiently and effectively, and technology vendors with services and solutions are a perfect fit.”

Chris Adams, Park Place Technologies President and CEO, said the company’s history of investing in people and resources globally will continue.

“We are committed to delivering a great experience to all our customers worldwide,” he said. “We will continue to acquire companies like Unitech that bring a talented workforce and unique capabilities driven by an unparalleled customer experience to our international partners.”

A video statement from Unitech is available here.

About Park Place Technologies

Park Place Technologies is a global data center and networking optimization firm. We help more than 21,000 clients optimize data center budgets, productivity, performance, and sustainability so they can think bigger – and act faster. From procurement to decommissioning, our comprehensive portfolio of services and products helps IT teams optimize IT lifecycle management. This frees time and spend so they can focus on transforming their businesses for the future.

Park Place’s industry-leading and award-winning services portfolio includes Park Place Hardware Maintenance™, Park Place Professional Services™, ParkView Managed Services™, Entuity Software ™ and Curvature Hardware sales. For more information, visit Park Place is a portfolio company of Charlesbank Capital Partners and GTCR.


Michael Miller
Park Place Technologies

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9108141

One Za’abeel lance The Offices, un espace de bureaux à double licence hébergé au cœur du gratte-ciel One Za’abeel Tower

DUBAÏ, Émirats arabes unis, 30 avr. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — One Za’abeel, le complexe à usage mixte emblématique développé par ICD (Investment Corporation of Dubai), a le plaisir d’annoncer le lancement de The Offices, des espaces de bureaux d’entreprise ultra-luxueux à double licence situés dans le gratte-ciel One Za’abeel Tower. Ces bureaux de première catégorie sont en passe de devenir l’adresse commerciale par excellence de Dubaï, attirant des organisations internationales et locales grâce à leur double licence unique pour les sociétés enregistrées dans la zone franche du Dubai World Trade Centre (DWTC FZ) et pour celles enregistrées sur le continent.

One Za’abeel se compose de deux gratte-ciel, à savoir One Za’abeel Tower et One Za’abeel The Residences, séparés par The Link, un bâtiment en porte-à-faux de 230 mètres suspendu à 100 mètres au-dessus du sol. La forme unique de ce complexe à usage mixte, associée à son emplacement stratégique, lui a valu le surnom de « porte d’entrée du quartier central des affaires de Dubaï »

Les bureaux occupent 17 niveaux dans le gratte-ciel One Za’abeel Tower et représentent une surface totale de 26 000 mètres carrés.
Construit dans un esprit de durabilité, le projet fait preuve d’une efficacité environnementale et de normes de durabilité exemplaires, et a obtenu la certification LEED Gold en décembre 2023.

Caractérisés comme des espaces intelligents, The Offices a su incorporer des technologies intelligentes pour garantir l’automatisation et l’optimisation énergétique de tous les systèmes électriques, d’éclairage, de climatisation et de ventilation. Cette stratégie permet de réguler la consommation d’énergie, tout en maintenant des températures intérieures agréables et en proposant des caractéristiques telles que des fenêtres allant du sol au plafond permettant de bénéficier d’une importante luminosité naturelle et d’apprécier une vue dégagée sur la ville. One Za’abeel est actuellement en cours d’obtention des certifications WiredScore et SmartScore.

L’emplacement privilégié des bureaux au sein du complexe à usage mixte permet d’accéder facilement à tout ce que One Za’abeel a à offrir. Les occupants peuvent inviter leurs clients à prendre un bon repas dans l’un des nombreux restaurants inscrits au guide Michelin de The Link, peuvent organiser des réunions ou des événements dans les salles de conférence du resort One&Only One Za’abeel, peuvent inviter leurs clients à séjourner dans le resort ou dans le premier hôtel de remise en forme et de récupération SIRO, ou peuvent simplement profiter des boutiques et des restaurants du centre commercial.

Au-delà de l’ensemble des offres proposées par le complexe, les services de qualité et les installations ultramodernes de The Offices comprennent des services de conciergerie et de sécurité dédiés 24 heures sur 24 et 7 jours sur 7, 7 niveaux de sous-sol et de parking intelligent, des services de voiturier, et sont proches des transports publics.

Pour Issam Galadari, directeur de One Za’abeel Holdings : « Nous sommes convaincus que le succès d’une entreprise est appuyé par un emplacement adéquat, et c’est pourquoi nous sommes heureux d’annoncer le lancement de The Offices dans le gratte-ciel One Za’abeel Tower. Située au cœur de Dubaï, cette tour deviendra sans aucun doute l’adresse commerciale par excellence pour les entreprises et les investisseurs. Elle propose des bureaux luxueux, spacieux et connectés, un accès à des boutiques, hôtels de renommée mondiale et restaurants gastronomiques en à peine quelques minutes d’ascenseur. Nous sommes impatients d’accueillir des entreprises au service de l’innovation à The Offices et de les voir prospérer en utilisant tout ce que One Za’abeel a à offrir. »

Pour de plus amples informations sur The Offices de One Za’abeel, veuillez consulter le site

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One Za’abeel lança The Offices, espaço de escritórios com licenciamento duplo na One Za’abeel Tower

DUBAI, Emirados Árabes Unidos, April 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — O One Za’abeel, icônico empreendimento de uso misto desenvolvido pela ICD (Investment Corporation of Dubai), tem o prazer de anunciar o lançamento do The Offices, seu espaço de escritórios corporativos ultraluxuosos com licenciamento duplo na One Za’abeel Tower. Os escritórios da mais alta qualidade estão prontos para se tornar o endereço comercial por excelência de Dubai, atraindo organizações internacionais e locais com seu exclusivo licenciamento duplo para empresas registradas na Dubai World Trade Centre Free Zone (DWTC FZ) e empresas registradas no continente.

O One Za’abeel consiste em dois arranha-céus, o One Za’abeel Tower e o One Za’abeel The Residences, que são interligados pelo The Link, um edifício em balanço de 230 m suspenso 100 metros acima do solo. O formato singular do empreendimento de uso misto, aliado à sua localização estratégica, lhe rendeu o apelido de “portão de entrada para o Distrito Central de Negócios de Dubai”.

O The Offices ocupa 17 andares na One Za’abeel Tower e possui uma área total de 280.000 pés quadrados.
O empreendimento, construído com enfoque na sustentabilidade, demonstra eficiência ambiental e padrões de sustentabilidade exemplares e obteve a certificação LEED Gold em dezembro de 2023.

Caracterizado como escritórios inteligentes, o The Offices incorporou tecnologias inteligentes para oferecer automação e otimização de energia de todos os sistemas elétricos, de iluminação, de ar condicionado e de ventilação. Isso permite que o uso de energia seja controlado, ao mesmo tempo em que mantém temperaturas as internas agradáveis e oferece recursos como janelas do piso ao teto, que proporcionam uma grande quantidade de luz natural e vistas panorâmicas da cidade. O One Za’abeel está atualmente no processo de obtenção das certificações WiredScore e SmartScore.

A localização privilegiada do The Offices no empreendimento de uso misto permite fácil acesso a todos os serviços do One Za’abeel. Os locatários podem convidar seus hóspedes para uma refeição em qualquer um dos muitos restaurantes indicados pelo Guia Michelin no The Link, realizar reuniões ou eventos nos espaços para conferências do resort One&Only One Za’abeel, convidar seus hóspedes para se hospedarem no resort ou no exclusivo hotel de fitness e reabilitação SIRO, ou simplesmente se encontrarem nas lojas e nos restaurantes no pavilhão de lojas.

Além do ecossistema de opções no empreendimento, outros serviços diferenciados e instalações avançadas no The Offices incluem serviços de concierge e segurança dedicados 24 horas por dia, 7 níveis de subsolo e estacionamento inteligente, serviços de manobrista e proximidade com o transporte público.

Issam Galadari, diretor da One Za’abeel Holdings, comentou: “Acreditamos que o sucesso comercial é agilizado pela localização certa e, por isso, temos o prazer de lançar o The Offices na One Za’abeel Tower. Situado no coração de Dubai, esse será, sem dúvida, o endereço comercial por excelência para empresas e investidores, oferecendo escritórios luxuosos, espaçosos e conectados, com acesso a lojas, hotéis de renome mundial e restaurantes finos a apenas uma viagem de elevador. Estamos ansiosos para receber empresas inovadoras no The Offices e vê-las prosperar enquanto utilizam tudo o que o One Za’abeel tem a oferecer.”

Para mais informações sobre o One Za’abeel The Offices, visite

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Annonce du thème de la 8e édition de la Future Investment Initiative: “Infinite Horizons: Investir aujourd’hui…bâtir demain”

fii8 concept theme

RIYAD, Arabie saoudite, 30 avr. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Le Future Investment Initiative Insitute est heureux d’annoncer le thème de la 8e édition de sa conférence FII, prévue du 29 au 31 octobre 2024 au prestigieux Centre international de conférences King Abdulaziz (KAICC) à Riyad, en Arabie saoudite. Sous le thème  “Infinite Horizons : investir aujourd’hui.. bâtir demain”.

FII8 abritera des débats sur la manière dont l’investissement peut servir de catalyseur pour un avenir prospère et durable, repoussant les limites de ce qui est possible pour l’humanité.

FII8 promet d’être un creuset d’idées innovantes, réunissant des leaders mondiaux, des entrepreneurs, des dirigeants politiques, des médias et des décideurs économiques dans les domaines de la finance, de l’IA , de l’ énergie, de l’espace , du développement durable , de l’industrie et bien au delà .

En se focalisant sur le thème des “Horizons Infinis”, l’ édition 2024 incitera les participants à réfléchir au-delà des limites conventionnelles et à explorer les opportunités d’investissement qui peuvent combler les défis actuels avec les possibilités futures.

Richard Attias, CEO et membre du conseil d’administration du FII-Institute, a souligné l’importance du thème, affirmant que “Infinite Horizons n’est pas seulement un thème ; «  c’est un appel pressant à élargir notre vision collective et à embrasser les perspectives illimitées de l’avenir. Il incarne notre engagement à mener des conversations qui dessinent un avenir où l’investissement ne connaît aucune limite et œuvre en vue d’un meilleur futur pour tous”.

FII 8, organisé par le FII- Institute , sera une semaine exclusive réservée aux membres de l’Institut, aux délégués invités et aux partenaires stratégiques. Les discussions lors de la conférence seront basées sur les données, garantissant que les idées sont ancrées dans les faits et que les stratégies sont réalistes et actionnables.

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Le Future Investment Initiative Institute (FII-Institute) est une fondation internationale à but non lucratif dédiée à avoir un impact sur l’humanité. Grâce à notre division d’investissement, nous soutenons l’innovation dans l’intelligence artificielle (IA) et la robotique, l’éducation, la santé et le développement durable, transformant les idées en solutions concrètes.

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