L’université d’intelligence artificielle d’Abu Dhabi a créé des départements dédiés à la robotique et à l’informatique pour répondre à une demande mondiale croissante

ABU DHABI, Émirats arabes unis, 04 août 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — L’Université d’intelligence artificielle Mohamed bin Zayed (MBZUAI) a ouvert deux nouveaux départements et lancé quatre programmes d’études supérieures dans les domaines de la robotique et de l’informatique, afin de répondre à la demande mondiale croissante dans ces secteurs, qui devraient respectivement atteindre 225 milliards de dollarsi et 140 milliards de dollars d’ici à 2030ii.

Les nouveaux départements viennent compléter les départements actuels dédiés à la vision par ordinateur (CV), à l’apprentissage automatique (ML) et au traitement du langage naturel (NLP) de l’université, qui sont classés parmi les 20 premiers au monde par CSRankings.

En parallèle à la création de ces nouveaux départements, l’université a lancé des programmes de master et de doctorat en robotique et en informatique. Ces programmes contribueront à étendre l’écosystème d’IA des Émirats arabes unis et à renforcer leur position en tant que centre international de recherche et d’innovation dans le domaine de l’IA.

Le président et professeur universitaire du MBZUAI, Eric Xing, a déclaré : « La création de ces deux nouveaux départements témoigne de l’effort durable du MBZUAI visant à construire une base solide pour l’excellence de la recherche et l’innovation dans le domaine de l’intelligence artificielle. L’université continuera d’attirer à Abu Dhabi des professeurs et des chercheurs de renommée mondiale dans ces domaines, et de donner aux étudiants les moyens de devenir des précurseurs dotés de compétences très recherchées dans la mise au point d’outils et d’applications d’IA avancés dans tous les secteurs d’activité. Compte tenu de la renaissance numérique que nous connaissons actuellement, les compétences dans ces disciplines sont de plus en plus demandées. »

Le département de robotique se concentrera sur une recherche originale rigoureuse ciblant des résultats probants et mettra l’accent sur l’apprentissage et les algorithmes des robots plutôt que sur la mise au point de nouveaux appareils robotiques. Le département d’informatique offrira une expertise technique inégalée dans le domaine des technologies fondamentales qui ont été à l’origine de l’essor et de l’impact spectaculaires des technologies de l’information au cours des quatre dernières décennies.

Le professeur Timothy Baldwin, doyen par intérim du MBZUAI, a déclaré : « Le MBZUAI est à la pointe de l’enseignement et de la recherche dans le domaine de l’IA. C’est ce qui fait la spécificité et la compétitivité de nos programmes à l’échelle mondiale. Le département de robotique se concentrera sur la recherche en robotique autonome et centrée sur l’humain, ainsi que sur la formation de la prochaine génération de spécialistes de la robotique, qui maîtriseront à la fois l’IA et la robotique, afin de promouvoir des carrières à la pointe de l’enseignement, du secteur industriel et des pouvoirs publics. »

La robotique est une technologie de transformation qui révolutionne des secteurs tels que l’industrie, la santé, l’agriculture et les transports. Les études récentes annoncent une forte demande d’expertise dans le domaine de la robotique pour les années à venir, le marché de la technologie robotique devant dépasser 225,6 milliards de dollars en valeur d’ici à 2030iii. Cette demande sera fortement entravée par la pénurie mondiale de talents attendue, qui pourrait toucher jusqu’à 85 millions d’emplois d’ici à 2030, faute de personnes qualifiées pour les pourvoiriv. D’autre part, le marché mondial de l’emploi dans le secteur informatique est en plein essor, avec en prévision un TCAC à 14,5 % entre 2021 et 2027 et quelques 3,5 millions d’emplois d’ici à 2026v.

Les candidatures pour la rentrée 2024 seront ouvertes le 1er septembre 2023. Pour en savoir plus, rendez-vous sur mbzuai.ac.ae ou contactez admissions@mbzuai.ac.ae

Precedence Research
ii Precedence Research
iii Precedence Research
iv Korn Ferry
v Projections du marché de l’emploi dans le secteur informatique (The Most Surprising Computer Science Job Statistics And Trends in 2023 • GITNUX)

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000833222

A universidade de inteligência artificial de Abu Dhabi cria departamentos dedicados à robótica e às ciências informáticas para responder à crescente procura mundial

ABU DHABI, Emirados Árabes Unidos, Aug. 04, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence (MBZUAI) estabeleceu dois novos departamentos e quatro programas de pós-graduação associados dedicados à robótica e à ciência da computação, satisfazendo a crescente procura global por estas disciplinas, sendo esperado que atinjam, respetivamente, os 225 mil milhões de dólaresi e os 140 mil milhões de dólares até 2030ii.

Os novos departamentos complementam os atuais departamentos de visão computacional (CV), aprendizagem automática (ML) e processamento de linguagem natural (NLP) da universidade, que estão classificados entre os 20 melhores a nível mundial pela CSRankings.

Em paralelo com a formação dos novos departamentos, a universidade lançou programas de mestrado e doutoramento em robótica e ciências informáticas. Estes programas ajudarão a desenvolver o ecossistema de IA mais alargado dos EAU e a reforçar a sua posição de centro internacional de investigação e inovação em IA.

O Presidente da MBZUAI e Professor Universitário, Eric Xing, afirmou: “A adição destes dois novos departamentos representa o esforço duradouro da MBZUAI no desenvolvimento de uma base sólida para a excelência da investigação e a inovação no domínio da inteligência artificial. A universidade continuará a atrair para Abu Dhabi professores e investigadores de renome mundial nestes domínios e a preparar os estudantes para se tornarem pioneiros com competências muito procuradas no desenvolvimento de ferramentas e aplicações avançadas de IA em todas as indústrias. Dado o renascimento digital da IA em que nos encontramos, a procura de competências nestas disciplinas está a aumentar”.

O Departamento de Robótica centrar-se-á na investigação rigorosa, original e de grande impacto, dando ênfase à aprendizagem e aos algoritmos dos robôs e não ao desenvolvimento de novo hardware para robôs. O Departamento de Informática proporcionará uma profundidade técnica sem paralelo nas tecnologias fundamentais que deram origem ao crescimento fenomenal e ao impacto das TI nas últimas quatro décadas.

O Reitor em exercício da MBZUAI, Professor Timothy Baldwin, afirmou: “A MBZUAI está na vanguarda da educação e investigação em IA, tornando os nossos programas distintos e competitivos a nível mundial. O Departamento de Robótica centrar-se-á numa investigação em robótica autónoma e centrada no ser humano, bem como no desenvolvimento da próxima geração de profissionais de robótica com competências profundas em IA e robótica, apoiando carreiras na vanguarda do mundo académico, da indústria e da administração pública”.

A robótica é uma tecnologia transformadora, que revoluciona setores como a indústria transformadora, os cuidados de saúde, a agricultura e os transportes. A investigação indica uma forte procura de conhecimentos especializados em robótica nos próximos anos, prevendo-se que o mercado da tecnologia robótica ultrapasse os 225,6 mil milhões de dólares em valor até 2030iii. Esta procura será fortemente dificultada por uma previsível escassez de talentos a nível mundial, com um potencial de 85 milhões de postos de trabalho por preencher até 2030 devido à falta de pessoas qualificadas para os ocupariv. Do mesmo modo, o mercado de trabalho global das ciências informáticas também está em expansão, com projeções de uma taxa de crescimento anual (CAGR) de 14,5% entre 2021 e 2027 e uma estimativa de 3,5 milhões de empregos até 2026v.

As candidaturas para o ano de admissão de 2024 serão abertas a 1 de setembro de 2023. Para mais informações, visite mbzuai.ac.ae ou contacte admissions@mbzuai.ac.ae

Pesquisa de precedência
ii Pesquisa de precedência
iii Pesquisa de precedência
iv Korn Ferry
v CS job market projections (The Most Surprising Computer Science Job Statistics And Trends in 2023 • GITNUX)

Uma fotografia que acompanha este anúncio está disponível em https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/eb82e469-758c-46ca-b84c-ddeb1502171d

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000833222

جامعة محمد بن زايد للذكاء الاصطناعي تطلق برامج في علم الروبوتات وعلوم الحاسوب

تلبية للطلب المتزايد على هذه التخصصات على مستوى العالم

أبوظبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة، 3 أغسطس 2023: أطلقت جامعة محمد بن زايد للذكاء الاصطناعي قسمين جديدين يشملان مجالي علم الروبوتات وعلوم الحاسوب، وذلك تلبية للطلب العالمي المتزايد على هذين التخصصين، إذ من المتوقع أن يصل الطلب إلى 225 مليار دولار[i]  في مجال علم الروبوتات و 140 مليار دولار في مجال علوم الحاسوب بحلول العام [ii]2030.

ويأتي هذان القسمان الجديدان ليكملا سلسلة البرامج التعليمية التي تقدمها الجامعة لطلابها، والتي تشمل الرؤية الحاسوبية، وتعلّم الآلة، ومعالجة اللغات الطبيعية، وهي برامج تم تصنيفها من بين أفضل 20 برنامجاً عالمياً بحسب موقع CSRankings.

وبالتزامن مع إطلاق القسمين الجديدين، أعلنت الجامعة عن برامج الماجستير والدكتوراه الجديدة. وستساعد هذه البرامج في تطوير منظومة الذكاء الاصطناعي في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة وتعزيز مكانتها كمركز دولي لأبحاث الذكاء الاصطناعي والابتكار.

بهذه المناسبة، قال البروفيسور إريك زينغ، رئيس جامعة محمد بن زايد للذكاء الاصطناعي والبروفيسور الجامعي: “تعكس إضافة القسمين الجديدين الجهود المستمرّة التي تبذلها جامعة محمد بن زايد للذكاء الاصطناعي لتطوير أساس متين للتميز البحثي والابتكار في مجال الذكاء الاصطناعي. وستستمر الجامعة في استقطاب النخب العالمية من الهيئات التدريسية والباحثين في هذه المجالات إلى أبوظبي، كما ستدعم طلابها ليصبحوا رواداً في مجالاتهم وليتمتعوا بالمهارات اللازمة لتطوير أدوات الذكاء الاصطناعي وتطبيقاته المتقدمة في مختلف المجالات، لاسيما مع تزايد الطلب على المهارات المرتبطة بهذه التخصصات في ظل الثورة الرقمية التي يشهدها العالم حالياً”.

وسيقوم قسم الروبوتات على الأبحاث الأصلية التي تتسم بدقتها وبتأثيرها الواسع، مع التركيز على تعلّم الروبوت وخوارزميات الروبوت بدلاً من تطوير أجهزة روبوت جديدة. وفي الوقت عينه، سيتيح قسم علوم الحاسوب للطلاب التعمّق بشكل استثنائي في التقنيات الأساسية التي أدت إلى النمو الهائل الذي يشهده العالم وفي تأثير تكنولوجيا المعلومات في العقود الأربعة الماضية.

من جهته، قال عميد جامعة محمد بن زايد للذكاء الاصطناعي بالإنابة، تيموثي بالدوين: “إن جامعة محمد بن زايد للذكاء الاصطناعي في طليعة المؤسسات المعنية بتعليم الذكاء الاصطناعي والبحوث التي تتمحور حوله، مما يجعل البرامج التي تقدمها لطلابها مميزة وتنافسية على الساحة العالمية. سيركز قسم علم الروبوتات على تطوير الجيل القادم من المتخصصين في علم الروبوتات ذوي المهارات الراسخة في الذكاء الاصطناعي كما في علم الروبوتات، ليشغلوا وظائف ريادية في الأوساط الأكاديمية والصناعية والحكومية”.

يُحدث علم الروبوتات ثورة في قطاعات متعددة مثل الصناعة والرعاية الصحية والزراعة والنقل. وتشير الأبحاث إلى ارتفاع الطلب على الخبرة في مجال الروبوتات بشكل كبير في السنوات القادمة، حيث من المتوقع أن تتجاوز قيمة سوق تكنولوجيا الروبوتات 225.6 مليار دولار بحلول العام 2030[iii]. إلا أن هذا الطلب الكبيرة سيواجه النقص المتوقع في المواهب العالمية، حيث من المحتمل أن تظل حوالي 85 مليون وظيفة شاغرة بحلول العام 2030 بسبب نقص المتخصصين في هذا المجال[iv].

أما سوق العمل العالمي في مجال علوم الحاسوب فيشهد ازدهاراً بارزاً، إذ من المتوقع أن يبلغ معدل النمو السنوي المركب 14.5٪ ما بين عامي 2021 و2027، وأن يشمل ما يقدر بنحو 3.5 مليون وظيفة بحلول عام [v]2026.

يُذكر أنه سيتم فتح باب تقديم الطلبات للعام 2024 في 1 سبتمبر 2023. لمزيد من المعلومات يُرجى زيارة الموقع الإلكتروني mbzuai.ac.ae أو التواصل مع فريق عمل الجامعة على admissions@mbzuai.ac.ae.

[i] Precedence Research

[ii] Precedence Research

[iii] Precedence Research

[iv] Korn Ferry

[v] CS job market projections (The Most Surprising Computer Science Job Statistics And Trends in 2023 • GITNUX)

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 300885913

Council of Ministers Passes Decision for Declarations of State of Emergency in Amhara Region

The Council of Ministers in its 23rd regular session today has unanimously passed decision to declare a state of emergency in the Amhara region.

The council noted that the illegal activities in Amhara Regional State backed by arms has reached a point where it cannot be controlled by the regular law enforcement.

The situation in the region is seriously disrupting the peaceful socio-economic activities of the public, affecting the peace and safety of the public and it has threatened the constitutional order of the nation. Hence, to ensure the peace and safety of the public, the situation requires a state of emergence and take appropriate measures.

The council further recalled that the Amhara Regional State has made request to the federal government noting that the destabilization in the region is causing large scale of humanitarian, social and economic losses and cannot be controlled through regular law enforcement.

Accordingly, the council of ministers has passed decision for a declaration of state of emergency in the Amhara Regional State and take proper measures in accordance to article 93/1 of the Federal Constitution.

Hence, the Council of Ministers has unanimously passed decision for a state of emergency to be declared in the Amhara region.

Meanwhile, the Council of Ministers has also discussed on the draft proclamation of Addis Ababa University establishment.

The proclamation that enables the University to become autonomy and carry out its research activities and teaching and learning process without any interference. The bill will be effective. The council thoroughly discussed and approved it to become effective from the date of publication on Negartte Gazette.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

State of Emergency to Remain in Force for Six Months: Justice Minister Gideon Timotios

The state of emergency declared to be implemented in the Amhara Region will remain in force for the next six months, Justice Minister Gideon Timotios announced today.

The decree issued to be implemented in the Amhara Region will also be implemented in other areas of the country as needed, he added.

The justice minister gave clarification on the State of Emergency Proclamation No. 6/2015 issued by the Council of Ministers to protect public peace and security at the 23rd regular meeting of the Council of Ministers today.

According to him, it has become impossible to control the armed activity being carried out in the region by the regular law enforcement and has immensely disrupted the economic and social activities of the region.

The minister further pointed out that the Amhara regional administration has faced a breach of security that cannot be dealt with by the regular law enforcement system.

Stressing that the violation of security has caused pressure on the inhabitants of the region, Gideon said the appropriate legal framework was established and the necessary steps taken by the federal government based on the Constitution.

Based on this, federal security institutions and the Council of Ministers have reviewed and concluded that it is necessary to declare a state of emergency in order to protect public peace and order, the minister elaborated.

He explained that it is clearly indicated that the state of emergency is primarily applicable to Amhara region.

However, Gideon pointed out that measures taken to maintain public peace and tranquility will be implemented in any part of the country when necessary to stop any activity that aggravates the security problem at the region or national level.

The minister disclosed that a State of Emergency Command Post has been established for the implementation of the proclamation.

The command post will be headed by the Director-General of the National Intelligence and Security Service, and it will be accountable to the Prime Minister.

The members, structure and organization of the command post will be decided by the Prime Minister, according to the justice minister.

The command post is given the authority to declare curfew, block road for a certain period of time, close down or terminate service facility and transport.

It has also been given the authority to arrest suspects that attempt or prepare to commit crimes against the government and the constitutional system and violate the emergency decree and obstruct its implementation without a court order.

The state of emergency, which will remain in effect for the coming six months, can be terminated before the expiration period if the House of People’s Representatives determine so.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

DPM and Foreign Minister Demeke Holds Talks with EU Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Demeke Mekonnen held talks with European Union Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa, Annette Weber, on Ethiopia-EU cooperation and regional issues today.

The officials extensively discussed the peace process in Ethiopia, Ethiopia-EU cooperation, and regional issues of mutual importance, according to Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Demeke briefed the special envoy on the ongoing post-war peace consolidation efforts of the Ethiopian Government, including the implementation of the transitional justice process in tandem with the tremendous task of rehabilitating the displaced and reconstructing the infrastructure damaged by the war in northern Ethiopia.

In this regard, he reaffirmed the continued commitment of the government to the full implementation of the peace agreement.

International partners such as the EU need to provide support for the overall undertakings of the government, Demeke underscored.

Concerning the situation in Sudan, he noted that Ethiopia, as a neighboring country, strongly believes that sustainable solution could only be brought about through negotiations and dialogue while ensuring that the peace process in the country is owned and led by its people.

Peace efforts should be channeled through the IGAD platform under the auspices of the African Union, the deputy premier and foreign minister stated.

He also pointed out that Ethiopia is hosting 70,000 refugees who fled the war in Sudan and called for support to the humanitarian efforts of the government in this respect.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

One Country One Priority Product Project Launched

One Country One Priority Product” (OCOP) Project, which aimed to enhancing the production and productivity of teff in Ethiopia was launched today.

A launching workshop under the theme “Strengthening the teff value chain in Ethiopia through promotion of best practices for enhanced production and productivity One Country One Priority Product (OCOP) Project”was launched in Addis Ababa.

The workshop brings together ministers and high-level officials, local and international partners, the private sector and researchers to ensure collaboration and shared responsibility towards achieving increased production, productivity and incomes of actors in the teff value chain.

Advisor for agricultural and horticulture at the Ministry of Agriculture, Abdulsemed Abdo said the project is anticipated to contribute and improve food and nutrition security of the country by increasing the production and productivity of incomes of actors in the teff value chain.

The quality and special characteristics of teff make it a valuable contributor to better nutrition, he said, adding the implementation of this project will involve various actors.

FAO Representative in Ethiopia, Farayi Zimudzi said this project aspires to foster better production, enhanced nutrition, a healthier environment, and an improved quality of life for all leaving no one behind, which is in line with a FAO’s corporate strategic focus.

She added that this project aims to significantly contribute to the nation’s food and nutrition security in the pursuit of sustainable and resilient food sector.

“FAO firmly believes that by harnessing the unique qualities of teff and investing in this development, we can significantly contribute to improved food and nutrition security inequality,” she added.

FAO has launched a five-year program (2021-2025) called Global Action on Green Development of Special Agricultural Products (SAP): One Country One Priority Product (OCOP).

As part of this initiative, the Government of Ethiopia has selected teff as its priority commodity. And FAO is providing technical support for the development of teff value chain.

OCOP is a two-year project designed to support the Government of Ethiopia to enhance the production and productivity of teff, with its unique quality and special characteristics that can contribute to better nutrition and human health.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Youth Sensitized On New Painting Technology In West Pokot County

Youth in West Pokot County have been urged to embrace painting technology as a means of earning a decent livelihood.

Speaking during training for painters in Kapenguria, Basco Paints Kenya Limited trainer Ben Osoro said the art of painting is currently a lucrative venture owing to the numerous construction projects in the country.

‘Youth who are not employed can try their skills in painting which is currently a well-paying venture. With just little training one is able to secure contracts in the construction industry,’ urged Osoro.

He said Basco Paints Kenya Limited Company has been initiating trainings every year targeting old and new painters for effective use of their new products on the market.

Osoro also said that they do partner with the technical institutions to offer training as the art of painting is part of the technical skill needed for self-reliance.

‘We do partner with Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVETs) institutions to offer the training because painting is also needed all around and we produce new products on the market that painters need to be informed about,’ he explained.

The trainer said that painting is the end result of any new construction and that painters should apply the best knowledge to make construction work more appealing using the best products for the building to last longer before doing any renovations.

Daniel Ruto, a beneficiary of the training, lauded the Basco paints company on the efforts they make to train painters.

‘We thank Basco Paints for their efforts to educate us on the new products every time they release them on the market,’ he stated.

He also added that the company has been providing them with personal protective equipment (PPEs) for their safety while painting.

Another painter, Daniel Wekesa appealed to the county government to consider awarding them tenders as a form of empowering them at the local levels.

‘The county government of West Pokot should consider giving us the first priority whenever there is any construction works around. This will be one way of marketing us and creating more opportunities even outside the county,’ he appealed.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Civil Servants Urged To Embrace Teamwork For Effective Service Delivery

There is a need for civil servants to embrace teamwork for the government to effectively deliver on its Bottom-up Economic Transformation Agenda, BETA, and development plan.

Uasin Gishu County Commissioner (CC) Dr. Edyson Nyale said it was only through high-level consultation and collaboration that civil servants could support the current government in delivering on the promises it gave the people of Kenya during the campaign period.

‘President William Ruto’s government devised the BETA plan premised on five key pillars, Agriculture, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME), Housing and settlement, Health and Digital and creative economy to spur development, and this can only be achieved if all civil servants worked through synergy and teamwork,’ observed the CC.

Dr.Nyale made the remarks on Friday while inaugurating the Uasin Gishu National Government Development – County Implementation and Management Development Committee (NGD-CICMC) at the Eldoret homecraft centre.

All county departmental heads and the county Presidents delivery service will be members of the committees whose role will include monitoring the implementation of projects funded by the national government at the county level, prudent utilization of funds allocated for projects to ensure wananchi get value for their money as well as identifying challenges and possible solutions during the implementation of the projects, and the impact such a project would have for the people.

The CC also asked departmental heads at the county to take development committee meetings seriously since they provide forums to exchange on how well resources availed by the government could be utilized to serve wananchi better.

‘Ministries, departments and government SAGA’s can pool the available resources to ensure they take services closer to the people at the grassroots level. Government officers must be able to sensitize and explain national government policies, programmes, and development plans so that the citizens are made aware,’ he said.

Dr.Nyale said there are several programmes being implemented by the national government that members of the public at the grassroots level were not aware of, ‘As civil servants you need to move out of the offices to meet with communities at their localities so that you explain what the government has for them, there are programmes such as the Youth Development Fund, Women Enterprise Fund, Hustler Fund phase two that the people need to understand how they can access.’

Source: Kenya News Agency

County Government Moves To Control Invasive Snail Ravaging Mwea Rice Farms

Kirinyaga County government has launched a three-week pilot programme to control a new migratory rice pest that has been ravaging rice crops at the Mwea irrigation scheme in Kirinyaga.

The programme being undertaken by the county government with the assistance of the national government aims at stopping the spread of an invasive snail commonly known as ‘Golden Apple Snail.’

The joint action plan led by the County Agriculture extension services team and the National government officers has been formed to deal with the snail menace.

The Ministry of Agriculture through the Pest Control Products Board (PCBP) has provided 2000 liters of Biograde 300 SL adequate to cover 8,000 acres of rice paddy on the three-cycle spray.

This is in addition to 40 sprayers, 40 PPEs full kit to support the pilot control exercise in Mwea.

‘These items have been delivered to the county headquarters and we have started distribution to the farmers for spraying during this trans-planting season,’ Waiguru said.

The governor said the pilot programme will be undertaken in selected farms using the organic pesticide.

Transplanting seasons is the most critical period for controlling the new migratory rice pest which has invaded farms for the last four years and therefore the delivery of the pesticide is timely.

‘Farmers have started trans-planting crop to the farms and over 90 percent of the transplanting exercise will be completed by end of this week and out technical team has embarked on the exercise in selected farms’

Mwea Rice is a national strategic food source that must be protected and efforts to eradicate the invasive snail are of great importance.

‘The snail is a threat to food security in the country as it destroys crops at the early seedling stage. Therefore, controlling the Golden Apple Snail is of paramount importance to both governments,’ she noted.

She said successful implementation of the pilot programme will prepare for possible upscaling of exercise in the whole scheme during the ratoon and double crop seasons.

Experts from the Ministry of Agriculture say that the snails mainly damage direct wet-seeded rice and transplanted rice up to 30 days old. Thus, for effective control pesticide is applied immediately after transplanting, with repeated applications at 7 and 14 days.

Rose Kamau from the Plant Protection and Food Safety Directorate says Biograde 300 SL is a biodegradable pesticide that is friendly to the environment and has no pre-harvest harm.

‘The product is working through corrosion of the digestive system of the snail, hence killing it within a short period after consumption. The pesticide has been approved for use in apple snail control and its efficacy has been tested,’ she said.

Rice farmers have lauded the initiative by the county government saying the snail has spread in the entire irrigation scheme.

Mwea Unit Five Chairman Samson Njuguna said that last season, the snails destroyed seedlings at the nurseries forcing farmers to do a repeat germination.

Njuguna said for the last four years, the number of snails has multiplied and efforts by farmers to handpick them and crush the egg masses has not borne fruit in eradicating them.

‘Snails have been destroying our rice crops in our farms right from the nursery stage, they follow the seedlings to the farm after transplanting. They lay eggs and multiply very fast. We have incurred huge losses since the invasion by the snail,’ he said.

Source: Kenya News Agency