MISE À JOUR — Le Rapport sur la sécurité 2021 de Sphera révèle que l’écart entre l’intention et la mise en œuvre des processus de sécurité au travail persiste

Les données du nouveau Rapport sur la sécurité de Sphera révèlent que même si la sécurité fait partie de leur culture, les entreprises ne disposent pas d’une feuille de route bien définie pour mettre en œuvre des mesures d’amélioration de la sécurité.

CHICAGO, 29 oct. 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Alors que la plupart des entreprises ont intégré la sécurité dans leur culture d’entreprise, il existe encore des obstacles à surmonter pour améliorer leurs performances en matière de sécurité des processus et de sécurité personnelle, selon le nouveau Rapport sur la sécurité de Sphera.

Sphera®, un fournisseur mondial de premier plan de services de conseil, de données et de logiciels de gestion des risques et des performances environnementales, sociales et de gouvernance (ESG), a interrogé près de 350 professionnels des risques, de la sécurité des processus et de la santé et la sécurité. Les résultats montrent que si 75 % des personnes interrogées ont déclaré que la sécurité fait partie de la culture de leur entreprise, seules 40 % ont indiqué avoir mis en place une feuille de route bien définie en matière de performance de la sécurité.

La sécurité est le fondement d’une organisation forte et un élément clé de l’ESG. Selon le Rapport sur la sécurité de Sphera, la création d’une culture de la sécurité est tout aussi importante que la conformité, ce qui a eu un impact sur la hiérarchisation des facteurs de performance en matière de sécurité. Les répondants ont indiqué que les trois  principaux facteurs de performance en matière de sécurité sont la réduction de l’exposition aux risques opérationnels et aux risques d’accidents majeurs (MAH) (60 %), la conformité réglementaire (48 %) et la priorité de l’entreprise et du conseil d’administration (37 %).

La sensibilisation des employeurs aux dangers pour la sécurité de leur personnel a été accrue pendant la pandémie. Plus d’un quart (27 %) des répondants ont indiqué que l’adoption de processus centralisés de santé et de sécurité était en retard.

Pendant cinq ans, Sphera a produit le très attendu Rapport sur la gestion de la sécurité des processus/la gestion des risques opérationnels (PSM/ORM) explorant les tendances de l’industrie en matière de sécurité des processus et de gestion des risques opérationnels. Cependant, avec le rapport 2021, Sphera a étendu le paysage global de la sécurité pour inclure également la santé et la sécurité. Alors que le secteur de la sécurité et de la santé au travail a subi de fortes pressions, les entreprises de tous les secteurs ont dû procéder à des ajustements structurels constants pour assurer la sécurité des travailleurs.

« La pandémie a mis en évidence la rapidité avec laquelle les processus de gestion de la sécurité et des risques peuvent être déséquilibrés. La sécurité sous tous ses aspects crée un modèle commercial résilient et durable, en particulier à une époque où les objectifs en matière d’ESG sont de la plus haute importance », a déclaré Paul Marushka, PDG de Sphera.« Une culture de la sécurité et un processus de sécurité efficaces contribuent à garantir une main-d’œuvre en bonne santé et des performances commerciales améliorées. Cependant, nous constatons toujours une lacune dans la façon dont les entreprises associent la sécurité et les performances commerciales, ce qui met en évidence la nécessité d’une approche plus holistique par le biais des données, des logiciels et de l’expertise. »

Informations supplémentaires :
L’enquête de cette année montre que 51 % des personnes interrogées signalent des ressources limitées, 43 % des priorités contradictoires et 31 % des budgets limités comme principaux obstacles à la maintenance et aux inspections critiques prévues pour la sécurité  — des éléments qui n’ont pas évolué. Ces principaux indicateurs des problèmes sous-jacents empêchant les organisations d’améliorer leurs performances en matière de sécurité et de réduire le nombre d’incidents sont liés à l’écart entre l’objectif de sécurité et sa mise en œuvre.

Le Rapport sur la sécurité de Sphera montre qu’il reste encore du travail à faire pour mettre en œuvre des pratiques de surveillance des risques qui maîtrisent l’ensemble des risques dans les silos organisationnels. En outre, un peu plus de la moitié (56 %) des répondants ont indiqué qu’ils continuent à suivre manuellement les garanties/obstacles critiques, tels que la perte du confinement et de l’intégrité structurelle, et 19 % seulement ont déclaré que ces garanties étaient surveillées en temps réel. Cela souligne davantage les liens renforcés entre la sécurité des travailleurs et des processus qui ont émergé pendant la pandémie et la nécessité pour les organisations d’avoir une vision globale de la gestion de la sécurité et des risques.

À propos de l’enquête sur la sécurité
Sphera a interrogé 349 professionnels des risques, de la sécurité des processus, de la santé et de la sécurité issus d’une section transversale des industries du monde entier en vue d’évaluer leurs normes en matière de sécurité pour établir le Rapport sur la sécurité 2021. Les répondants provenaient de plusieurs industries mondiales, telles que la fabrication, le pétrole et le gaz, les produits chimiques/pétrochimiques, l’énergie, la construction, les services professionnels et le gouvernement.

À propos de Sphera
Sphera est un fournisseur mondial de premier plan de services de conseil, de données et de logiciels de gestion des risques et des performances environnementales, sociales et de gouvernance (ESG) mettant un accent tout particulier sur l’environnement, la santé, la sécurité et la durabilité (EHS&S), la gestion des risques opérationnels et la gestion des produits. Pour en savoir plus sur Sphera, rendez-vous sur www.sphera.com. Suivez Sphera sur LinkedIn.

Pour toute demande d’ordre médiatique ou pour demander une copie du rapport, veuillez contacter :
Denise Jones, responsable des communications marketing chez Sphera, djones@sphera.com

PLWDs Asked To Register As Voters

As the day to end mass voter registration nears, Likuyani Sub County Chairman for Persons Living with Disabilities (PLWDs) Moses Nanjukhi has urged parents and guardians caring for the disabled to ensure all those who have national identification cards are enlisted as voters.
Nanjukhi while speaking in Kongoni Ward said the disabled must be given an opportunity to exercise their democratic rights and regretted that leaders from the area had done little to help PLWDs register as voters since mass voter registration exercise commenced early October.
“We have so many people living with disabilities, thus can’t move to the registration centers though they have IDs but no leader seems to care about them,” a disappointed Nanjukhi said.
The chairman sent an appeal to the community to stop discriminating PLWDs, but instead exhibit care and love besides ensuring their rights are fully observed, adding that their handicaps should not be used as an excuse to discriminate them.
He also dismissed beliefs that the handicapped were valueless arguing that their deficiencies could be harnessed to the full if given equal opportunities with the rest.
“It isn’t anyone’s wish to be born with a disability and it is a crime to deny such a person his or her rights,” he said.
At the same time Nanjukhi challenged the disabled persons with leadership ambitions to openly come out and declare interest in various elective positions in the next General Elections.
He said the fact that the Constitution had created special seats for disabled persons does not imply they have completely been shut out from other positions.
The chairman urged all disabled countrywide to align themselves to top political parties of choice and to support colleagues seeking elective positions to emerge victorious.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Kirinyaga Fish Farmers Acquire Inputs

Kirinyaga County Government has supported selected self-help groups with fishpond liners, fingerlings and feeds to enable them undertake fish farming.
Twenty community groups that were selected after applying for funding from the County Government were given the inputs and they are expected to harvest their first produce after six months.
Speaking at her Kagio residence, while distributing pond liners to the farmers, Governor Anne Waiguru said that the fish farming project is one of the components of Wezesha Kirinyaga Economic program that has been supporting farmers to diversify their agricultural activities in order to increase their revenue streams.
“The county government will support the farmers for the first six months and thereafter the groups are supposed to sustain the project after selling their initial produce,” she said.
“Fish farming will provide alternative livelihoods and give direct support to women and youth who will be involved at various stages of the project value chain which include, cooking, selling and transportation of fish,” she noted.
The governor also urged the county residents to embrace routine consumption of fish as a way of boosting their health as well as growing the county’s economy.
Beneficiaries of the fish farming projects are upbeat about the project and they look forward to uplifting their standards of living through the project.
Caroline Wambui, a group member from Gichugu constituency says that the project will boost the members with a nutritious source of protein and extra income from sale of the surplus fish.
“Fish farming will not only be a source of food to people of Kirinyaga but also we will get income to pay our bills,” Wambui said.
Another beneficiary, Elijah Karari says that his 25-member group is happy about the project and they look forward to selling their first produce and expanding the project as a way of empowering the members economically.
He says that fish farming compared to other farm activities is less time consuming and production cost is manageable. He thanked Governor Waiguru for the support which will go a long way in uplifting the living standards of the farmers who have embraced the project.
“We as a group will expand this project as it does not require a lot of time in maintenance. We appreciate our governor,”` he said.
During the National Aquaculture Annual Stakeholders Review meeting held in Kirinyaga County earlier in the year, Kirinyaga County Government emerged among the top five counties in implementation of the Aquaculture Business Development Program.
Waiguru further said that her vision is to see Kirinyaga get a fair share of fishing potential given that it is endowed with favorable aquaculture conditions which include fresh water and ready market.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Aquaculture, The Future Of Fishing Industry

The Principal Secretary State Department for Fisheries, Aquaculture and Blue Economy Dr. Francis Owino, has said that the future of the fishing industry is Aquaculture because the current water bodies are stressed and over utilized by the growing population.
He was speaking during the launch of the Aquaculture Farmers Input and Equipment for extension Services at the DCC compound in Kisukioni Town of Matungulu Sub County in Machakos County. He said that the Aquaculture Business Development Program is a National program being implemented in 15 Counties.
The PS said that there is a shortfall of fish production in Kenya because of the high population and stressed current water bodies hence there is need to construct water ponds.
“The current water bodies are stressed and overused because of the increasing human population who use the water bodies for transport and other activities. As a result, there is a shortfall of annual fish production every year,” the PS pointed out.
Owino however, said even though there are challenges, people must eat fish and the next frontier of millionaires and big businessmen will come from the Aquaculture industry because fish farming is safe and smart.
“Fish farming is smart and safe as long as you feed your fish, you will never stress over treating it as they don’t get sick or run away,” added Owino.
Some 200 farmers were given predator nets, and pond liners to boost fish production in Machakos. The PS urged the fish farmers to take care of the predator nets and pond liners they were given by the government and not misuse it for other purposes.
“I urge you not to misuse the predator nets and pond liners because I know some may use them as fences for their kitchen gardens. Please use it for the intended purpose since the government has spent a lot to provide them,” urged the PS.
On his part Deputy Governor Machakos County Francis Maliti urged Machakos farmers to take fish farming as a business and adding that the County will support in finding markets for them.
Maliti said that some of the best fish farmers are in Ukambani because fish farming does not require a big farm but just a small space where one can do intensive fish farming.
“We encourage fish farmers to make it a business since fish farming only requires a small space where one can do intensive fish farming and we promise to support the farmers by finding markets for them,” added Maliti.
Eight motorcycles were distributed to enable extension officers to serve the farmers for maximum production and three laptops were also given to be used for data capture and reporting.
Aquaculture is the breeding, rearing and harvesting of fish, Shellfish, algae and other organisms in all types of water environments. It also refers to Cultivation of aquatic organisms in controlled aquatic environments for recreational or public purposes.
Other guests present were National Program Coordinator Sammy Macharia, CEC Department of Agriculture Urbanus Musyoka, MCA Matungulu West Moffat Maitha and farmer representative Peter Munywoki.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Kisumu Hawkers To Have Modern Market

It was all smiles and jubilations after the Kisumu County Government initiated the process of opening up the expansive and spacious Uhuru Business Park Market Complex for the formerly displaced hawkers to sell their wares.
According to Abala Wanga, the Acting City Manager, plans are at an advanced stage to open up the newly built Uhuru market and transform it into an active place for doing business.
“The traders must first occupy the place, showcase and provide their products and services to the general populace for some time before it can be commissioned by President Uhuru Kenyatta,” Wanga said.
Speaking during a sensitization event for the traders at the market premises Thursday, the Ag. City Manager while underlining the need to fairly allocate stalls to the traders, he reiterated that only those whose biometrics and names were published in the Kenya Gazette will be given the first priority to occupy.
“This will be supervised and coordinated by the yet to be formed Market Management Committee and the County Trade Department,” he stressed out.
A position was affirmed by the Director of Trade, Bolvince Ochieng, who promised transparent allocation of the trading slots will be given out free of charge.
Ochieng also lauded the traders for having been patient and positively hopeful for a safe and secure working environment.
“There shall be no collection of any funds towards the allocation of the stalls from our Departmental officers and any other person,” he said, while urging the traders to report to the arresting authorities and his office anyone found engaging in such vice.
Wanga further enlisted some of the already built markets in the city like Chichwa 1 and 2, and Maendeleo, the ongoing constructions in Kibuye, Mowlem-Nyamasaria, Otonglo and K-City, which is earmarked for the shoe traders currently found next to the Kisumu Boys High School.
On the eagerly awaited completion of Kibuye market this December, he said that it will be further extended and ready by the end of March, 2022. He added that Phase 1 will end in January while the traders’ settlement will be done in April, next year.
The construction of Uhuru Market began in 2019 and is set to accommodate more than 2,000 displaced traders and will include those in Apindi Street and Nyamlori area.
Tobias Kwach, the Kisumu Traders Associations’ Chairman, while addressing the gathering called for the support of the settlement process by all the stakeholders and politicians.
He also commended the construction of the market by the National and County governments led by Governor Prof. Anyang Nyong’o.
Echoing similar sentiments, Tabitha Ougo, Winmart Traders Group Chairperson, said there was need to have a concerted and united approach towards attaining a smooth and peaceful transition.
Other traders present were those formerly located in Lwangni beach, Akamba Bus Area, Winmart, Upper Railways and Somali Group among others.
Wanga said that they have signed a lease agreement with Kenya Railways to now proceed and start the process of managing Uhuru Business Market, adding that they are also in the process of setting up a joint committee with Kenya Railways to manage the facility.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Gov’t Keen To Empower Girls In Technology

The national government through the Ministry of ICT, Innovation and Youth Affairs has initiated mechanisms to empower young girls to build their skills and capacity in tech fields.
ICT Chief Administrative Secretary Maureen Mbaka while speaking during the ISACA Governance, Risk and Compliance Conference in Kisumu County Friday said the government and other likeminded partners are committed in addressing the inequity in Information Technology (IT) to create a healthy digital world that is safe, secure and accessible for all.
According to Mbaka, to ensure the value of diversity in technology, players in the sector must foster greater gender equality in the labour market, boost economic growth and build a more inclusive digital world devoid of gender bias.
“Women are under-represented in ICT jobs, top management and academic careers and reports show that men are four times more likely than women to be ICT specialists. At 15 years of age, on average, only 0.5 per cent of girls wish to become ICT professionals, compared to 5 per cent of boys,” she disclosed.
To foster gender equality, the ministry has rolled out the Girls in ICT Initiative Kenya Chapter that aims at igniting their interest to take up Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Mathematics and ICT.
The program holds monthly ICT related activities that young women and girls can participate in to encourage them take up careers in the sector.
The initiative also creates awareness on government projects, and resources in the ICT field such as the AJIRA Digital Program that seeks to empower young people to harness benefits of the gig economy and the Huduma White box aimed at assisting innovators to scale up their innovations.
She added that women-owned start-ups receive 23 per cent less funding and are 30 per cent less likely to have a positive exit compared to male-owned businesses.
“Concrete policy actions are needed to foster women’s and girls’ full participation and inclusion in the digital economy, while at the same time addressing stereotypes and social norms that lead to discrimination against women. That is the only way we can experience the true value of diversity in technology,” she pointed out.
The CAS said the ministry is working round the clock to ensure Kenya is at the forefront of the 4th Industrial revolution under the leadership of President Uhuru Kenyatta.
The Digital Economy Blueprint promotes the development of digital skills as a key pillar in achieving Kenya’s vision of becoming a knowledge-based economy driven by ICT.
It is on this backdrop that the government has focused on the development of the ICT sector and promoted the growth and development of the sector through continuous skills development and capacity building.
To achieve the Big Four Agenda, technology is indispensable as it is a key enabler of socio-economic growth as envisioned in Vision 2030.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Kericho To Participate In CASA Games In Mombasa

Kericho County Assembly today commissioned a team of players to participate in this year’s County Assemblies Sports Association (CASA) Games in Mombasa County.
The Assembly Speaker, Dominic Rono, flagged off the participants who will represent Kericho in the games that officially kicks-off next week at the Coastal City while expressing optimism that they will emerge victorious.
The Speaker who was flanked by Assembly Majority Leader, Hezron Ngetich, wished success to the team comprising both Members of County Assembly (MCAs) and staff urging them to fly the county flag high in the tournament by garnering most trophies.
The CASA tournament was to be held in June this year but was suspended due to Covid-19.
The County Assemblies, through the Speakers and the Clerks were directed to ensure all MCAs are vaccinated. At least 38 counties are expected to participate.
Registration starts this Friday and all participants are expected to provide the Covid-19 Vaccination Certificate upon arrival for the event that will commence on November 1 and ends on 6 at Mbaraki Sports Club, Shanzu, and Tononoka Social Hall.
This will be the 3rd edition of the competitive Sporting and Cultural Bonanza that will include Football, Volleyball, Netball, Athletics, Board Games, Table Tennis, Badminton, Darts and Tug of War among others.
The County Assemblies Sports Association (CASA) is the body mandated to organize Sports and Cultural activities for the County Assembly Speakers, MCAs, and staff in all the 47 County Assemblies.

Source: Kenya News Agency

NTCC To Adopt Guidelines For Assets Transfer

Devolution Principal Secretary (PS), Julius Korir, makes keynote address on October 29, 2021 during breakfast meeting for the National Steering Committee (NSC) on Assets Valuation and Transfer at the Sarova Stanley Hotel, Nairobi. The meeting has been organized by the Intergovernmental Relations Technical Committee (IGRTC) in conjunction with the Devolution Ministry.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Embrace Use Of Herbicides To Reduce Production Cost

Agronomists have urged farmers in Nyandarua County to adopt the use of herbicides for inhibiting the growth of agricultural weeds.
Mr. Thiong`o Mathenge, an Agronomist based in Nyahururu town has said that there is the need for farmers to enhance the new resolution as it reduces cost by half and triples yields of crops.
According to Mathenge, this method is of great advantage over mechanical weed control due to its ease of application, which often saves on the cost of labor and increases production.
“The use of herbicides helps conserve the structure and composition of the soil which would have otherwise been damaged through ploughing as this would have left the field rough and cloddy,” he said.
He further raised a concern, stating that this method is likely to put tractor investors out of business since ploughing and harrowing are going to be outdated, also mentioning that farm casual labourers will rarely be required-perhaps only during planting and harvesting.
Statistics from the Agrochemicals Association of Kenya (AAK) show that, there are more than 50 registered brands of herbicides that have all been assessed by the Pest Control Products Board (PCPB), as required and found safe.
Mathenge, however, warned that farmers should be careful on purchasing chemicals from unauthorized agro-vet outlets in order not to fall prey to counterfeiters.
Martha Nduta, a dealer in farm inputs, said that there are herbicides that can be sprayed on farms either before or after planting.
“Some herbicides kill weeds selectively after the seeds germinate and can, therefore, be sprayed after planting,” said Nduta.
She further explained that there are various types of herbicides that are available but should be used according to the directions from the manufacturers, so as to attain the desired results.
She also noted that cases of farmers misusing herbicides have been witnessed hence calling upon the County Government and Agricultural Extension Officers to work closely together to ensure that farmers are well informed.
“Some farmers have been misusing some of these agrochemicals inappropriately. For instance, recently “Kausha ” and “Touch down” have been used to speed-up the drying up of wheat during the rainy season, which would have dried naturally, hence making it unfit for human consumption,” said Nduta.

Source: Kenya News Agency

MMUST Vice Chancellor Lauds Standard Chartered Marathon

Over 400 participants participated in the Standard Chartered Virtual Marathon held at Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) in Kakamega.
The Marathon brought together Lecturers, students and People Living with Disabilities.
Speaking after the race, MMUST Vice Chancellor (VC), Prof. Solomon Shibairo, said the partnership with Standard Chartered Bank is crucial in spearheading the ‘Future Makers’ programme, which the Bank targets from the funds that will be raised through the Marathon.
Prof. Shibairo said that MMUST will partner with the Bank to offer support in the treatment of eye ailments and to offer internships to students from the institution.
The VC asked other stakeholders to partner with the University in environmental conservation initiatives, to keep the country green and fertile as part of the University’s focus areas, which is also supported by the Bank.
The Head of Branches Standard Chartered Bank, Kenya, Joan Ambuche, lauded community participation in the marathon.
She noted that the Bank is keen to extend community participation in Standard Chartered Marathon in the future which, apart from raising funds to support its initiatives, the race is good for one’s exercise.
Ambuche noted that the Bank are raising funds through the Marathon to support the ‘Future Makers’ Programme, to prepare youths for the job market.
Standard Chartered Bank targets to raise over US$ Dollars 50 million by 2023 to address inequality and promote economic inclusion for the younger generation.

Source: Kenya News Agency